How can I filter results?

LeadSwift provides you the option to apply granular filters.

This can be done via text-based filters, and/or the dropdown filtering menu for boolean tests.

Text Filters

For any text-based filters, simply use the text search field in your leads report.

By default, searching by keywords will only check these columns:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Website
  • Phone

However, you can use these prefixes to search other data points:

  • "mx:" for MX records
  • "job-title:" for contacts by job titles, i.e. "job-title:owner,founder,president,ceo,manager,executive"
  • "category:" for within categories, i.e. "category:hvac,heating,plumbing,air conditioning"
  • "description:" for business descriptions in Google and Facebook
  • "more-description:" for secondary descriptions on Facebook

Note: You can search multiple keywords in a filter by comma-separating them

You can use semicolon delimeters (";") to apply multiple filters simultaneously.

For example, this will filter leads with a "Toronto" address AND job titles containing "marketing" or "sales":

You can prefix filters with "-" to exclude them, i.e. "-category:manufacturer,wholesaler"

Dropdown Filters

You can also click the filter icon at the top-right corner of the results for additional options.

For example, businesses that don't have certain social profiles, or those with ratings below a certain threshold.

- Dropdown uses "AND" operator, i.e. "No Facebook" and "Google Rating" <= 4 shows without Facebook "AND" Google Rating <= 4 - Enabling "exclude null values" excludes those without a value, i.e. "Google Rating" <= 4 will exclude businesses with no ratings